Sunday, November 14, 2004

Long time

Long time no "see", eh? I've been real busy and my server has been real nice, so there hasn't been much to talk about. But now, that isn't true, sigh. Some how, my server got turned off (darn front buttons!) and when I turned it back and and rebooted, all hell broke loose.

The main thing was that apache wouldn't load. There was some kind of complaint about php not loading because of a missing library. I eventually got php working, so apache could load, but now I don't seem to have MySQL support.

Reading /usr/ports/UPGRADING, I see I need to make the extensions seperately. I think I may also have messed things up by installing PHP5, when I had PHP4 installed before. So now I'm trying to get PHP5-extensions installed. And it let me pick MCVE support (whatever that is), even though the port is marked as broken for PHP5. One step at a time, I guess.

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