I have started to run into a couple of small problems with the YaST software installer, besides the general slowness of everything, so I have decided to embark upon my SMART journey. I'm going to follow the instructions found here (man, there sure are a lot of wiki's out there!).
The first thing I learned was about the existence of /etc/SuSE-release
, which is a simple text file describing the installed version of openSUSE:
$ cat /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 10.2 (i586)
VERSION = 10.2
Okay, so as predicted, I'm running openSUSE 10.2. And I think I have all the correct files installed:
$ rpm -q python-xml python-elementtree rpm-python
package python-elementtree is not installed
Oops, I guess I don't. I wonder if python-elementtree is really necessary, as I'm sure if it was that my YaST installation would have taken care of it? Looking into it, it isn't listed as a dependency and YaST says it isn't installed alright. So I'll install it via YaST, rather than use the commandline as found in the web page. Hold on a sec... Okay, let's check again:
$ rpm -q python-xml python-elementtree rpm-python
There, that's better. Now, it's time to fire up SMART as root.
$ su -c "smart update"
New channel 'Packman 3rd Party Package Repository (packman)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'Current KDE applications (suse-kde-backports)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'Guru smart repository (smart)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'Latest mozilla.org packages (suse-mozilla)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'Latest KDE packages (suse-kde)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n): n
New channel 'SUSE 10.2 Repository (suse)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'SUSE 10.2 Add-On Repository with non-OSS Packages (suse-non-oss)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'Guru 3rd party package repository (guru)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'Latest wine packages (suse-wine)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
New channel 'SUSE Linux Online Updates (suse-update)' detected.
Include it? (Y/n):
Updating cache...
I didn't enable 'Latest KDE packages (suse-kde)' because of the warning on the web page, although I'm a little confused. I really don't want to be cutting edge. I have no need for the latest in graphical ui technology, so I'm pretty happy to stay with the stable release when it comes to my desktop environment. But I have to wonder if 'suse-kde' is really the "highly experimental" version? After the "Updating cache", it did plenty of fetching. Let this be a warning - don't do it in your Emacs shell window, as it wants to do the kinds of redrawing found only in Konsole. It took about five minutes to do all my channels. Then I installed the gui.
$ su
# rpm --import http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/guru-rpm.asc
# smart install smart-gui
Updating cache... ######################################################### [100%]
Computing transaction...
Upgrading packages (4):
smart-0.51-1.guru.suse102@i686 smart-gui-0.51-1.guru.suse102@i686
smart-addons-0.51-1.guru.suse102@i686 smart-ksmarttray-0.51-1.guru.suse102@i686
2.8MB of package files are needed. 1.2MB will be freed.
Confirm changes? (Y/n):
Fetching packages...
-> http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.2/RPMS/i686/smart-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i686.rpm
-> http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.2/.../smart-ksmarttray-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i686.rpm
smart-ksmarttray-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i6.. ######################################################### [ 25%]
-> http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.2/RPMS/i686/smart-gui-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i686.rpm
smart-gui-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i686.rpm ######################################################### [ 50%]
-> http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.2/.../smart-addons-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i686.rpm
smart-0.51-1.guru.suse102.i686.rpm ######################################################### [100%]
Committing transaction...
Preparing... ######################################################### [ 0%]
1:Installing smart ######################################################### [ 12%]
2:Cleaning smart ######################################################### [ 25%]
3:Installing smart-ksmarttray ######################################################### [ 37%]
4:Cleaning smart-ksmarttray ######################################################### [ 50%]
5:Installing smart-gui ######################################################### [ 62%]
6:Cleaning smart-gui ######################################################### [ 75%]
7:Installing smart-addons ######################################################### [ 87%]
8:Cleaning smart-addons ######################################################### [100%]
Saving cache...
# smart --gui
I have to admit, I like the YaST window a little more, as there seems to be more options, but it surely is faster. From command to dialog takes about 30 seconds, while YaST takes a good couple of minutes. And it seems to have found lots and lots of packages to update. We'll see how screwed up it makes my system!
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