I recently moved (back) to a cable modem, after being, pretty happily, with Speakeasy DSL. I had used cable modems since they first came out, but moved to DSL because of the much faster upload speeds. As I work for a video conferencing software company (inSORS), upload speeds are as important as download ones. And I could get a 1mb SDSL (synchronous DSL, so upload & download speeds were the same), I made the switch.
However, the cost was pretty steep (US$200 per month), even if my company was paying for it. Now that cable modems are up to 768kpbs upload speeds (and 6mb down!), for about $50 a month, the switch was pretty much a no brainer. I've always told folks that asked that cable is, in general, a much more economically feasible broadband alternative than DSL. For the same speeds, DSL is generally twice as much. Plus you have to deal with two or three different folks (Speakeasy was my provider, Covad did the work and it was actually Verizons "copper" wire in the end).
But I miss Speakeasy. I got some cool perks (free download service, game server time, etc), as well as 4 static IP addresses. For reasons unknown to me and even to folks who know a million times more than me, cable companies have always gone with a dynamic IP address. While it almost never seems to change, they are free to give you a different IP address at any time. So running servers and the like is a little more difficult. You can go with a dynamic dhs host (I used to use TZO), it's still much more of a pain. Speakeasy was very server friendly. Instead, I relocated my servers to my friend's ISP (MV.COM if you're interested), and solved all kinds of problems that way!
Anyway, here's a cool page with lots of cable modem tips. I recently found out that the IP address connects to my cable modem and shows some basic info about it. That's easy and this page shows even more stuff like that.
Cable Modem Troubleshooting Tips: IP addresses
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